- Full name: Lâm TSN Thiên Chương
- Degree: Master of Arts
- Discipline: Teaching methods
- Email: ltsntchuong@agu.edu.vn
- Phone: 0918 023987
Vice head
- Full name: Nguyễn Đức Thăng
- Degree: Doctor of Philosophy
- Discipline: Vietnamese Literature
- Email: ducthange2@gmail.com
- Phone: 0918 660763
- Full name: Tiêu Minh Đương
- Degree: Doctor of Philosophy
- Discipline: Literary Theory
- Email: tmduong@agu.edu.vn
- Phone: 0939 866691
- Full name: Nguyễn Thị Thu Giang
- Degree: Master of Arts
- Discipline: Foreign Literature
- Email: nttgiang@agu.edu.vn
- Phone: 0375747085
- Full name: Nguyễn Thị Xuân Mai
- Degree: Master of Arts
- Discipline: Teaching methods
- Email: ntxuanmai@agu.edu.vn
- Phone: 0976 513407
- Full name: Tôn Thị Tuyết Oanh
- Degree: Master of Arts
- Discipline: Linguistics
- Email: tttoanh@agu.edu.vn
- Phone: 086382696
- Full name: Trần Tùng Chinh
- Degree: Master of Arts
- Discipline: Vietnamese Literature
- Email: ttchinh@agu.edu.vn
- Phone: 0919 017096

- Họ và tên: Huỳnh Thị Diễm
- Degree: Master of Arts – PhD student
- Discipline: Foreign Literature
- Email: htdiem@agu.edu.vn
- Phone: 0939 669341